Solutions for
Bank Protection

Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Technisch-biologische Ufersicherungen im Ästuarbereich

Colloquium 2023

On 24 May 2023, the 2nd specialist colloquium "Estuaries - Current topics in water ecology and hydraulic engineering", jointly organised by the BAW and the BfG, took place at the Katholische Akademie in Hamburg.

The aim of the series of events is to contribute to scientific exchange and to improve understanding of coastal systems. This time, the focus of the event was on "Water development in estuarine and coastal areas", including a presentation by the working group on technical-biological bank protection, as well as other presentations on the "Path to an improved understanding of systems in estuaries" and "Future Eider - The Eider as a habitat". These three thematic blocks were analysed from an ecological and engineering perspective.
