The following documents are available in German language only.
Student papers
Ökologische Uferumgestaltungen und -aufwertungen an Binnenwasserstraßen
Examination as well as evaluation of the development and current state of the left bank section of the river Neckar from kilometre 76.25 to 80.45 (near Obrigheim), in which formerly installed bank protection measures (mostly stone mattresses) have not been maintained for a period of circa 25 years or have partly been removed.Ingo Groschup, Masterthesis, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen, Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, 2015
Ingenieurbiologische Ufersicherungen an Bundeswasserstraßen
Methods, tests, ideas and a concept for the Untere Havel-Waterway (Untere Havel-Wasserstraße) between Ketzin and Brandenburg (kilometre 32.610 to 54.250).Holger Schillinger, Vertieferarbeit, Karlsruhe 2001
Brief information
Ship-Induced Waves – Phenomenon, Influence Quantities and Measurement
Description of the phenomenon; compilation of influence quantities from waterway, ship as well as the interaction between ship/waterway; wave measurement and result-ing hydraulic loads.
Caroline Gesing, Renald Soyeaux - Karlsruhe 2016
Ship-Induced Waves and Flow around the Ship Hull – Measurement and Analysis
Purpose, scope, waterbody cross section, gauges, procedure as well as analysis of the measurement.
Caroline Gesing, Renald Soyeaux - Karlsruhe 2016
Determination of Ship-Wave Heights at the Bank
Calculation according to GBB 2005 as well as GBB 2010, adaptation to arbitrary cross section profiles (compensatory trapezoid profile and abating behaviour).
Caroline Gesing, Renald Soyeaux - Karlsruhe 2016