Bank Protection
on Inland Waterways

Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Technisch-biologische Ufersicherungen an Binnenwasserstraßen

Colloquium 2018

The colloquium “Technical-biological bank protection at the test-stretch on the river Rhine– opportunities and challenges with regard to bank protection and ecology”, jointly organized by BAW and BfG, took place on 18. and 19. June 2018 in the conference center in Worms.

Since 2011 various technical-biological bank protection measures have been tested in a field test at the river Rhine near Worms (Germany) in the area of responsibility of the Waterways and Shipping Office Mannheim (WSA Mannheim) within the joint research project of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). After five years of extensive monitoring results for the efficiency of the measures with regard to bank protection and ecology are available. In the contributions of the colloquium boundary conditions, experiences with installation and operation as well as stability, limits of application and an ecological evaluation of the various measures were presented. In addition recommendations for further applications at inland waterways were given. On the second day the participants could visit the test fields on-site from a ship and on foot at land in small guided groups.



The documents are available in German language only.